Useful information for solicitors and a person leaving a legacy gift to charity.
To help you and your solicitor, our Board member, Bernadette Parte of Parte & Associates Solicitors has shared the following wording and explanations.

It is very important to include the following information. Your charity can provide this or please consult the Charities Regulator’s website for the full list of registered charities.
- Full name of charity
- Registered address of charity
- CHY number
- Charity registration number
To help you and your solicitor, our Board member, Bernadette Parte of Parte & Associates Solicitors has shared the following wording and explanations.
It is very important to include the following information. Your charity can provide this or please consult the Charities Regulator’s website for the list of registered charities.
- Full name of charity
- Registered address of charity
- CHY number
- Charity registration number

Precedent clause for a Will.
I GIVE the sum of €xx (sum in words) to [name of charity] [charity registration number] of [registered address of the charity]* for the general purposes** of the said charity and I direct that a receipt by the treasurer or other proper officer of the said charity shall be sufficient discharge for my executors in the payment of this legacy. If, at the date of my death, the said charity has ceased to exist or has amalgamated or become incorporated with another charity or has changed its name, then this legacy shall not fail, but my executors shall pay the legacy to such charity as they consider most nearly fulfils the objects of that which I intended to benefit.***
* A testator (person making Will) may wish to leave a gift to a particular branch of a charity and in which case the branch address should be inserted.
** If testator wants to leave a gift to a charity specifically for research and development, ensure that the charity has a research and development function.
*** If a charity changes its name or becomes amalgamated into another charity, this provision allows the executors to leave the gift to a kindred charity.